Submitting your site to DMOZ? Good luck.

If your site is relevant to the category you’re applying for it might just get in, unless you write negative fodder about AOL, which has owned DMOZ since 1998. I submitted Marah’s AOL Log to DMOZ four times in 2006 (once every three months) which is the absolute limit for bugging them.

DMOZ advertise themselves as being run by Netscape, which is owned by AOL, but I figured there might be enough layers between me, the editors, and the big boys who’d rather sue me then list me to give me a shot at it. I guess I was wrong, and I’m tired of chasing after them. The last time I tried was early fall of 2006 but I won’t do it ever again. There’s other ways to get the word out that AOL sucks, and if I can’t find a decent directory to list me, hell, maybe someday, somewhere, somebody will create one.

DMZ...running away from reality?

In the meantime I’ve been following the debate about DMOZ shutting down
because I can’t imagine AOL undoing so much pure directory goodness. They’re the resource for any serious information, and both Google and Yahoo base their SERPs off of their listings, so the rumors that flew around last week about DMOZ being killed by AOL surprised me.

The most hard-to-believe part was AOL has stopped making routine backups of DMOZ and performing regular maintenance on the servers, according to a DMOZ editor, so when a server went on the fritz a few weeks ago, causing much of the site to fail, the techs had a hard time recovering many of it’s functions. DMOZ is back in business now, but in a completely crippled fashion, and no one seems to be in any hurry to fix it.

If you know of any decent, free directory that’s not tied to DMOZ somehow (most of them are) you can leave me a comment with it’s name below.